Why the French Do Democracy Differently (Spoiler: They’re French)
Geopolitics | Opinion

Why the French Do Democracy Differently (Spoiler: They’re French)

The French system of allocation of power is pretty strange: despite the very first article of its constitution stipulating that “Its organisation is decentralised.”, France is one of the least decentralised countries in the democratic world, even for a unitary state. The current political establishment was set up in the middle of the Algerian War…

On the Historical Unity of Strasbourgeois and Kehlois

On the Historical Unity of Strasbourgeois and Kehlois

-A modest proposal furthering Putin’s ideas to their logical consequences: Strasbourg and Kehl are one people, who have time and again been greedily ripped apart by the powers that be. These people have been separated by far-off emperors and politicians trying to hold back Greater Strasbourg. The most recent separation, in 1953, was certainly the…

Examining Democracy: Its Future?
Geopolitics | Opinion | Serials

Examining Democracy: Its Future?

I’ve already talked about why democracy works, and its flaws, but I’ve hardly addressed the potential to improve democracy further. In this article I’ll be doing just that! Citizen Journalism: As I talked about in the previous article, the press is extremely important in upholding democracy. While the internet’s contributions to this are often overlooked…